Transporting ashes internationally can be a difficult and complex process, but when death has occurred in a foreign country or the deceased’s final wish is to be scattered abroad our job is to fulfil these wishes.

What does repatriation of ashes or cremated remains mean?

Put simply, the repatriation of ashes or cremated remains is the process of transporting the ashes of a deceased person to another country.

Frequently asked questions about transporting ashes internationally

We understand that the sending ashes overseas is not common knowledge, so we thought we would cover some FAQs:

  • Is taking ashes on a plane allowed? YES
  • Is shipping cremated remains internationally an option? YES
  • Can I carry ashes in my hand luggage? YES

Challenges with the transportation of ashes

Taking ashes on a plane

 Although you are allowed to transport ashes by air, either as cargo on in hand luggage, you must ensure that you are following the set rules. One of the most important rules to keep in mind is the material of which the container holding the ashes is made of due to security reasons. If the Urn is made out materials such as stone or metal, airport security will not be able to scan the contents, and as a result you will not be able to pass through. It is also illegal for security officers to open the container even with your permission so that will not be an option. Therefore, it is best to stick with wood or biodegradable materials.

Shipping cremated remains internationally

When shipping cremated remains internationally it can sometimes be difficult to find a carrier that offers this type of service, this is because the price of a loved one is invaluable. In addition, the rules and regulations of shipping cremated remains varies from country to country, so it’s important to do your research beforehand. Rowland Brothers International can manage this for you ensuring that all rules are adhered to and find the most cost effective solution for you.